Saturday, 17 December 2011

Fall 2011- Aftermath

This post is going to be a summary of the work that I did in C++ during the fall semester which I perpetually failed to document.  

BTP website 
- the course seemed overwhelming at first until I discovered that most of the material covered in class was found at the BTP 300 website.  Doing the workshops was also helpful in getting a basic grounding in the concepts.  

My group was The Scriveners (Group 4).  
- created a link list for use with CDialog to make it easier to code the logic for CDialog edit.  The GoNext and GoPrev methods for the linked list are coded so that if someone is at the last node and tries to go further it will bring them back to the head of the list and vice versa.  
(this was in editlist.cpp) 
- Coded much of the logic for CLineEdit, CButton, and helped out group members coding CValEdit
- Coded much of the logic for CText 
- while coding CText I discovered a bug in console.edit that needed fixing.  It gave me a chance to look back on my work for that first assignment and appreciate what a terrible job I did.  However fixing the problem was satisfying.

Side project:

After reading about the conio class in Chris Szalwinski's book I created  a simple game of snakes using the console.cpp class.  It will only compile on borland 5.5.1 (though it could easily be modded to compile on gcc and visual studio as well I think)
It uses the list template from standard template library to hold all the coordinates ( struct Coord) for the snake.  Every loop a new coordinate is drawn at head, and a green square is drawn to scr, and the coordinate at tail is removed(and black square drawn).  Pretty simple stuff, but it was fun to play around with unbuffered input, since it was never formally introduced to us, and discover about conio's kbhit function (which determines whether keyboard was hit).  Over the break I plan to make some more complicated games in C++ 


More or less this semester I discovered how much I didn't know about C and C++ programming.  I suppose I am at the stage of my development where I begin to have an inkling as to the mountains of knowledge that have yet to be scaled.  During my absence from school over the next semester I will try to learn as much C++ as I possibly and begin coding some more interesting stuff.  

Monday, 12 September 2011

David Gurr, OOP344, Fall Semester 2011

The purpose of this blog is to keep track of my progress in Seneca @ York OOP344 course, taught by Fardad Soleimanloo.  The author of these blogs is David Gurr, student ID:014652119.  I will try to document my progress in the C++ assignments as clearly as possible plus occasionally post some helpful pseudocode/coding tips that I discover during my studies.